The Cramped Bean

Active baby

Oh little Bean, please stop jamming your feet in my ribs

My mini man seems to be running out of space, I’ve never felt so full in my life. It feels like I have spent the entire day grazing at an all you can eat buffet, and by grazing I mean face-planting giant platters of food . . . yet, I am forever hungry (mind boggles)

My mobility and range of movement is very limited, I feel somewhat like a giant beach ball with itty bitty arms and legs.

I find myself counting down the seconds until I can get into bed purely so I can stretch out as long as possible and free my poor ribs from the constant assault from his sweet little feet

The couch isn’t a comfortable space anymore, and the floor is an absolute no-go zone – in the fear that if I were to successfully get my fat ass down there, I would be forced to live the remainder of my pregnancy right there on the rug – there aint no coming back from getting down that low

Hoping and praying that I stretch a little bigger (never thought I would say that) so Bean has some more space to play, and I get a little slice of relief